Snakes. Serpents. They are always SCARY monsters. NOOOOOOOOO!!! Many snakes are not venomous! But either way, they are cute! Also, if a snake bites you, it does not want to eat you, but sees you as a threat. So, if you don’t know what type of snake it is, just stay away. Right now, I’m going to show you the difference between venomous and not, and why snakes are cool.

Ok. I am now going to teach you what a venomous snake snake looks like, and what a non venomous snake looks like. For instance, a venomous snake has a more triangular head, and a nonvenomous snake has a more rounded head. Also some types of snakes, like the banded water snake, make their head triangular to scare predators off, and they give a smell, but the banded water snake is nonvenomous. But say you get bit by a snake, but you did not see it. If the bite has a mark that looks like it has fangs, then it is venomous and you should go to a hospital. (Either way you should go to the hospital if you don’t know what it is).

< Non venomous

Corn Snake.
Original public domain image from Flickr

taken by

Next I will talk about why snakes are good pets and why they are cool! Snakes can actually be friendly! You can get a pet snake and they a lot of the time will love you! Only if you love them back. They are also cute. And they are only fed once a week. But they are carnivores! So they eat mice. But all in all, they are good pets! I think… From my experience with snakes and my research… But anyway, they are good for the ecosystem and even if you don’t want them as a pet, don’t kill them in the wild! They don’t want anything to do with you! Do you not like mice and rats? Well if you don’t, don’t kill snakes! They eat them for you so you don’t have to! Wait… what did I just say? Anyways if you do like mice and rats, also don’t kill them. Just leave them alone.

Anyways, that’s my blog post on snakes! Thanks for reading bye!



I thought it was over…

Beep! Beep! Bep! Beep!

Whats that?

A message from 30Garrets History Blog? (Would recommend reading his! ) “Whats the history of snakes?”

Very good question! It all started a long long LONG time ago… When amphibians ruled the earth. The amphibians eventually turned into Dino’s and other reptiles. Snakes are thought to have evolved from terrestrial lizards as early as the Middle Jurassic Epoch (174.1 million years ago). The oldest fossil snake ,Eophis underwoodi, was a small snake that lived in southern England around 167 mil years ago! Wow! That’s a long time ago! Also, snakes decided to get rid of their legs because they found other ways to move. Bruh 🤦‍♂️🐍. Imagine not having legs because there is other ways to move. That could not be me. Or could it. And for all the people that are wondering this, no snakes can not jump! Go get a life! You… Sorry, we had to get rid of him before it got bad. How did we get rid of him? Meat grin… Sorry, we had to get rid of him also. The same way he was about to say. This is why we are losing staff.

Thank you for reading this! Have a nice day… I’m still alive you!… How do we get rid of him? Sorry. Goodbye!

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